North Water is your One-Stop Shop for all your Water Needs.
Specializing in the development and management of water installations, North Water is a reliable and dependable partner for all your industrial water needs. Our focus lies on reliability, custom solutions, supply security and sustainability. Combined with our expertise, this makes North Water the optimal partner for industrial clients.
If desired, North Water can provide an all-in-one solution for your water needs. From system design and construction to management and financing (the DBFO model: design, build, finance and operate).
As our client, you can conclude a long-term agreement and avoid direct investment in an activity that falls outside of your core business, so funds can go to your core activities.
North Water offers solutions to problems in the area of water and wastewater treatment for companies in the chemical, petrochemical, metal, food, agribusiness, energy and other sectors.
Every year North Water supplies over 4 million m3 of process water.
Our process water specialties:
- Cooling water
- Wastewater & industrial water
- Demineralized water
- Raw water
- Condensate polishing, purification and reuse
We also offer:
- Water supply research and consulting
- Custom water solutions
- Innovative water technology
- Design, Build, Finance & Operate service
Our partners:
- AkzoNobel Salt
- Kisuma Chemicals
- Nedmag Industries
- Avebe TAK
- ZAWZI Delfzijl
- Industrial Supply Westlob, Energy Port
- Green Data Port
- Industrial Supply Harlingen
What is Process Water?
Process water is water that is used as ultrapure water, DM water, cooling water, rinse water, washwater or brewing water, or as a transport medium. Process water has a variety of industrial applications, and different compositions depending on its use. North Water supplies process water for every application.
If the water quality is not adequate for a production process with a special application, process water is used.
Sustainability and Cost Savings
Dutch government policy is geared towards discouraging the use of drinking water by industrial firms. Due to the rising price of mains water, coupled with the costs of wastewater treatment and discharge, industrial firms are increasingly resorting to alternative sources of process water.
Using process water from a source other than mains water is a sustainable solution. Possible sources include surface water, brackish water, groundwater, seawater and reused wastewater. These process water sources offer a favorable and sustainable alternative to drinking water for all industrial applications.
North Water can help you achieve cost savings in your water supply through optimal use of the right source of process water.
Reuse of industrial wastewater or cooling water is one of the most technically efficient ways to produce demineralized water or even ultrapure water. This way, you buy less water and have less wastewater left over, which improves sustainability and lowers costs.
North Water DBFO Service
With the DBFO model, North Water gives you peace of mind. We Design, Build, Finance and Operate full-scale treatment facilities for clients of every stripe.
North Water not only builds the installation, but also takes care of its management and operation. The client does not have to invest in its own installation, and can concentrate on its own operations. This gives you a fast, suitable and worry-free solution for all your water needs, and at lower cost.
Process Water Testimonial
Our partnership with Kisuma Chemicals is an excellent example of what North Water can do for you in the area of process water. North Water supplies process water from demineralized water (DM water) to Kisuma Chemicals, which included a DBFO project for a new treatment facility.
Watch the Kisuma Chemicals testimonial.